Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Compassionate Charity

One path to sustainable happiness is being the happiness you want to achieve. Live it now. A component of happiness is the capacity to have an open heart. Practicing compassion is a path to opening your heart. The development of compassion has had phenomenal scientific research results in the welfare of the brain. Which is amazing since compassion not only breeds happiness in yourself and others it is like rehabilitation for your brain. For instance Metta-meditation increases cerebral activity between our cerebral cortexes, i.e. we can better utilize both sides of our brain in unison.
I had the amazing, once in a lifetime opportunity of following His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama during his visit to Finland ( , you can also read more in the post below). He spoke at many different forums, each time spreading the message of compassion and speading awareness regarding the realities of poor conditions of those Tibetians living in the Tibet area of China. At a formal luncheon at the Helsinki Bourse Club an inspired participant asked what people in Finland can do to help. His Holiness answered that what everyone everywhere in the world can do to help is to upkeep awareness of the terrible conditions faced by those living in the area of Tibet. AWARENESS AND COMPASSION.

There is one excellent way to do more than just upkeep and spead awareness, you can send practical help to the people in Tibet. You can send a donation to Danakosha Aid:

Donations go directly towards building and operating a school for nomadic children in Eastern Tibet. These children live in poor conditions and have no access to education. Government aid is lacking.

Danakosha Aid is an awesome charity because you can trust that the aid you give will be brought directly to those in need in the village of Gegong in the area of Dzachuka in Eastern Tibet. Danakosha workers work in direct co-operation with both the local nomad families and Gegong monastery to built and operate an educational center which will be built close to Gegong monastery. (see for a visual of the area, people and Gegong mpnastery)

If you live in Europe, chances are you can send aid directly to Danakosha Aid through the following bank account: FI3940550010120638/BIC/SWIFT HELSFIHH

Elsewhere you can donate through using the button on the right of this page. Just select any amount, no matter how small and submit. The funds sent through PayPal will be transferred to the Danakosha account above.

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